
How To Create A Blog Free Of Cost In India

Table of Contents Hide
  1. Why do you want to Create a Blog?
  2. Ways to Open a Blog
  3. How to Create Your Free Blog?
    1. Step 1: Select Your Topic
    2. Step 2: Select a Great Name
    3. Step 3: Select Free Blogging Website
    4. Create Your Blogging Space
    5. Start Using WordPress
    6. Promote Your Blog
    7. Use Other Free Resources
    8. YouTube Videos
    9. How to Make Money from Free Blog?

Creating a FREE BLOG is very easy. Believe me, it hardly takes 5 minutes to start a 100% free Website.

Plus, there are many platforms where you can sign up and create your free website.

In this article, I've explained the step-by-step process which you can follow and make your OWN BLOG.

but, before that just a quick question.

Why do you want to Create a Blog?

Are you passionate about something and want to let the world know about it? Maybe you just want to share your thoughts with the world


Do You want to make money from your blog by showing Google Adsense or Promoting Affiliate Products?

There can be numerous reasons for starting a blog.

whatever may be the reason, having your own blog is very helpful these days.


because… A blog allows you to write about almost everything under the Sun and publish it online. This way, your views and writings become popular around the world. Also, it helps you to establish yourself as a brand.

It helps to improve your authority which ultimately helps to create trust between you and your readers.

Lastly, it helps you earn Some quick money online.

create free blog at blogger

Ways to Open a Blog

There are two types of blogs you can open. One is by buying a Domain and Hosting as well as other essentials like Themes, Plugins, etc.

Depending upon the D omain Name, Website Hosting Plan and other features, you may have to pay between Rs.5,000 and Rs.20,000 to open a blog.

The second is a FREE BLOG that can be opened easily without any investment other than your time.

The advantage of opening a free blog is that you can find out the response to your writings and opt for a paid website if required.

Generally, most bloggers launch themselves on free blog sites and later migrate to paid websites.

How to Create Your Free Blog?

Before actually jumping to create your blog, let me help you to decide a few essential things that you should work upon. You can follow these simple steps to create your own free blog and start expressing views.

Step 1: Select Your Topic

This is extremely important and the first step to open a free blog. You need to finalize a topic that you are most passionate about.

It could be anything from writing reviews about latest movies or playing video games, food and drink, political views, body and beauty care of just about anything.

Selecting the topic is important since it will provide consistency to your blog.

Your readers attracted by the articles you post will continue to visit, increasing the popularity and chance to earn money, as we will explain later in this article.

Step 2: Select a Great Name

This is the second most important step towards creating your own free blog. A great domain name will help people find your blog more easily.

You can make a name based on the topic you will write about and ease of remembering it.

The domain name should be catchy and unique. Use your creativity and seek the help of relatives and friends, if needed.

If you are confused about what to name your domain then

A unique name will help you in future if you need to create a paid website for blogging. Remember to keep at least five domain names ready.

Step 3: Select Free Blogging Website

There are several excellent websites that allow you to open a free blog.

  • Blogger
  • Joomla
  • Wix
  • LiveJournal
  • Tumblr
  • Weebly
  • Penzu
  • Squarespace
  • Medium
  • Ghost

Watch this video to create your free blog at Blogger.

NOTE: earlier offered free blogs. However, the website now charges a nominal fee of Rs.200 per month, billed annually, for a personal blog. Rates for more professional blogs are higher.

These websites are excellent if you will post only articles and a few pictures. There are several comparative charts available online that indicate the pros and cons of various free blogging websites.

Some of these free blog sites also offer paid or premium services.

Create Your Blogging Space

Once you have finalised the name of your blog and the free blogging website, you are all set.

All you need to do is visit the free blogging website and key in your blog domain name. Check if the domain name is available. If it has already been taken, use another from the list of five that you have created.

If your domain name is available, the website will ask you for further details.

These include the topic or theme of your blog and email ID. Once you have keyed this information, you will be asked to create a password.

To prevent unauthorized access, it is advisable to create a complex password that is easy to remember.

Start Using WordPress

You will have to create a free WordPress account to start using this very essential and popular blogging tool. WordPress is the preferred format for writing and posting articles. It allows you to upload and edit articles and pictures with ease.

The process is very simple. You can either write an article on Microsoft Word with the headline, sub-heads and body.

Once this is complete, you can open WordPress, copy and paste the headline in the relevant slot and the remaining text in the box below.

Insert pictures by using the feature provided on the right-hand side of your WordPress page.

Also, tick on the appropriate topics that best describe the contents of your blog. This makes it easier for Google to display your blog when people search for something related to your topic.

NOTE: If you are planning to write in a language other than English, it is also possible. WordPress supports a lot of languages.

Promote Your Blog

Merely creating a free blog and posting content is not sufficient. You need to create awareness about the blog too.

This can also be done free with some ingenuity and some extra efforts. The more you promote the blog, higher the chances of getting people to read it.

Popularize your blog by creating a free page on Facebook under the same name.

Also, create a Twitter account with the name of your blog. Each time you post content on your blog, provide a link on the Facebook page and send Tweets to followers.  This way, you can make the blog attract more readers and gain popularity.

Use Other Free Resources

You can use various free resources to make your blog popular. This is possible through Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn. You can post a lot of interesting and unique pictures on Instagram and Pinterest to attract readers to your blog.

Also, create a LinkedIn profile for yourself and include a link to your free blog. LinkedIn is a very useful resource since it provides the opportunity to network with professionals in a particular field.

If you are writing on specialized topics that are of interest to any profession, a free LinkedIn profile will help you immensely. A free blog with high-quality content can also boost career prospects when promoted through LinkedIn.

YouTube Videos

You need not be a professional YouTube expert to make videos. Open a free YouTube channel.

Every time you create a new post or content for your blog, make a small video of two to three minutes. Display the blog page and very briefly describe important points covered in the blog.

Remember never give out full content about the blog on your YouTube video.

Simply provide information about why people should read the blog to enrich their knowledge about the topic about which you are writing. The free YouTube channel will come handy if you decide to launch a full-fledged website for your blog.

How to Make Money from Free Blog?

Making money from a free blog- or paid one- is not an easy task. It is possible only if your content is unique and widely read.

There are many ways to make money from your free blog. It also takes a lot of time and effort.

Google AdSense:

Join to this free tool provided by Google. Every time someone visits your blog, Google will display advertisements related to the topic or something that interests the reader.

You get paid if the reader clicks on the advertisement. Google AdSense works best only when your content is unique and attracts lots of readers.

Some readers will click on the advertisement which can earn you money. Never click on these ads yourself since Google AdSense will detect it and can penalize you by cancelling the account.

Affiliate Marketing:

You can promote products available on Amazon, Flipkart and other online stores that offer affiliate marketing programs.

Amazon Associate Program is a very famous affiliate marketing program that you can join free. As a member, you can create links on the Amazon Affiliate dashboard and post with your content.

Whenever a visitor to your blog clicks on the link and makes a purchase, you earn money.

Amazon pays between two and 18 per cent as associate fee plus advertising charges where applicable.

There are several other options to Google AdSense. You can also subscribe to these free tools to boost advertising traffic to your blog and earn money whenever anyone clicks on an advertisement.

Must Read Guides:

  • How to Make Money from Amazon Affiliate Program in India
  • How to Make Money From Flipkart Affiliate Program in India
  • Step-by-step Guide: How to Make Money as a Freelancer

In Conclusion

Before you create a free blog, we advise you do some research. Read as many blogs about the topic on which you wish to write. This will give you an idea about the content that people in your field search for and how to write content.

Every blogger who has become famous around the world started off by writing on a free blog.

A lot of celebrities also started off writing articles on free blog websites before they became rich and famous and could afford an expensive, elaborate website to post their writings.

In India, a lot of political parties are willing to pay famous bloggers for weaving in their agenda, especially before elections.

You too can become a member of this paid blogging community. The steps we highlight will help you open a free blog. Your creativity, writing skills and efforts can make you rich and famous.

Do let us about your free Blog.we would love to check it out.

Also, If you have any question related to blogging then please let us know in the comments below.

How To Create A Blog Free Of Cost In India


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